SBR Wins Federal Title VII Appeal For Local Manufacturer

By July 17, 2024August 30th, 2024News

On July 16, 2024, SBR won a federal appeal which upheld a summary judgment dismissal of a Title VII retaliation claim brought against its manufacturing client, Wrought Washer.  The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit issued a written opinion dismissing a former employee’s claim that he was terminated in retaliation for making complaints of racial discrimination, finding the claim had no basis in law or fact.  The Seventh Circuit declined to reinstate the lawsuit, after SBR had obtained a summary judgment dismissal from the trial court in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. SBR’s attorneys regularly defend businesses against discrimination and retaliation claims brought by current or former employees, and have successfully obtained summary judgment dismissals of such claims without the need for a trial.

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